We Rich People Love Republicans
(But not The Donny)

"We rich people need nannies and crews for our yachts
But why waste our dough on entire working classes?
All we're going to need are a few indentured servants
And a world we can look at through rose-colored glasses.

"God bless those Republicans who lower our taxes.
Every other October we'll slip them a bone.
If in the meantime they find they need money,
We'd prefer that they e-mail us rather than phone.

"Caller ID is not as convenient
As filters that identify their e-mails as spam.
The only exception to that would be Donny.
It's always amusing to hear his latest scam.

"Sometimes he seems to think he's one of us.
Delusions have always been his greatest weakness,
Like thinking he'd win since he owned the casinos.
God help horseracing if he wants in on the Preakness.

"God help us rich people if nobody stops him.
He'll ruin the great deal we have going for us.
Can't someone convince Donny to buy into Greyhound
So our birthers can slip the bum under a bus."

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Donald Trump Gets Weirder'
To 'Paul Ryan's Absurdly Optimistic
       Budget Projections Draw Widespread Ridicule'

To 'The Donny Dope'
To 'Just Plain Nutjobs'
To 'Rich People'
