What Coup?
(For more of the same old same old)

Egyptian generals can't believe their good luck:
A coup puts them in charge but is not called a coup.
Madison Avenue could not have done better.
Cable News (minus Beck) has truly come through.

Just call it whatever you want it to be,
Then hope and pray that will be what you get.
Generals will continue to live high on the hog.
The fact little changed hasn't been figured out yet.

Just think. It's a coup where the coup winners are loved
Even though they're the same guys who ruled things before,
Minus the figurehead everyone hated.
All that it took was a new name on the door.

Of course it wil be a lot more of the same old.
How likely are they to give away all they own:
Construction, cement, gasoline, hotels and water,
Plus pretty young women to answer the phone?

For a few days at least it made good TV watching:
The cast of thousands would have made DeMille drool.
And all it cost was about three hundred lives lost
Plus Anderson Cooper and Glenn Beck losing their cool…

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Hosni's Helpers'
To 'Mubarak Steps Down, Ceding Power to Military'
To 'Key Facts on the Military’s Long-Standing Role'
To 'Avoiding a New Pharaoh'
To 'Egypt’s Military Leaders Face Power Sharing Test'
To 'Egypt: Mubarak's Demise'
