What Did They Overhear?
(Do you act like a spy?)

Tell Vladimir Putin not to call you on your cell.
Nobody knows who could be listening in.
When it rings and you answer, it's not all that secure
And hard for Booze Allen Hamilton to hear you both above the din

Of wherever it is that you happen to be.
Why are so many people showing an interest
     and now standing close by?
Do you perhaps appear a mite surreptitious?
Could they be alert to the fact you're a spy?

With so much in the news about spies getting caught,
More and more people want in on the action.
They see you conversing, quietly you think,
So straining to hear you's a normal reaction.

Their face in the papers for reporting whatever you said?
Anything at all that they overheard?
Aren't these little cell phones an evesdropper's heaven?
What does it matter if what they heard was absurd?

Bob Carlson

To 'How to Listen to a Cell Phone Conversation
To 'Investigate Booz Allen Hamilton, Not Edward Snowden
To 'More on Eavesdropping On Cell Phones in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Spying in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More on Bushie's Snooping Policy in Rhymed Verse'