What The Heck You Spect Of Me?
Being sung by John McCain to the tune
"I Ain't Got Nobody"
(I ain't got nobody, nobody cares for me.)

I don't know from nothin',
Like militarily.
Sure, I became a pilot,
Like voluntarily.
I fly 'em, I crash 'em, I end up in jail –
Does that make me Napoleon or a Grimm fairy tale?
I don't know from nothin' –
What the heck you spect of me?

I don't know from nothin',
Like economic'lly.
When I get out of jail,
I live like frugally,
Until I dump my wife and quickly marry money.
Now, financially, I depend upon my honey.
I don't know from nothin' –
What the heck you spect of me?

I don't know from nothin' –
Bush politics is me`
To his infallibility
Add my seniority.
We fly-boys can't be bothered
    'bout some Bear Stearns Chase sub-prime;
Our flight suits get our kissers on the cover of Time.
I don't know from nothin' –
What the heck you spect of me?

Music by Spencer Williams
Original Lyric by Roger Graham
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'John McCain Is Dreaming'
To 'McCain's Military Experience'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'