Where's Waldo? Where's Donny?
(What real estate contracts is he praying weren't found?)

Birther, deather, or doubter, or photo curator?
Where is The Donny? Won't we hear from him?
Or was Donny mentioned on Osama's disks?
Does a hole in the head make it harder to swim?

Is that why he's quiet and not spiking the ball?
Unlike Bushie he won't admit, "Obama done good."
Such an admission might ruin his creds
And disqualify him from doubter sainthood.

But his contract for furnishing Osama-Trump Tower
Requires decorating with Osama death pics.
So he has managed to get Lawrence O'Donnell
So how's that gone over? Like a ton of bricks.

Obama suspects that he's working with Donny.
He saw how O'Donnell publicized Orly Taitz.
Now she's a deather as well as a birther.
They could be looking at some very long waits.

With al Qaeda confirming Osama's demise
Will O'Donnell and Trump and friends finally stop?
Or manage to come up with even more reasons
Why Trump needs those photos for his latest co-op?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Birthers Become 'Deathers''
To 'Lawrence O’Donnell: Jon Stewart Changed
       My Mind On Releasing Osama Death Photos'

To 'Al-Qaida Confirms the Death of Osama'
To 'O'Donnell Interviews Orly Taitz'
To 'Just Plain Nutjob Verses'
To 'The Dope on Donny Verses'
To 'Donny's Shanghai Pleasure Palace Verse'
