Who Was In Cahoots?
Op-Ed Writer Widow Withington predicts the truth will out

"Was it Geithner or Bernanke?
    Dodd's said it wasn't Dodd…
In the pluperfectsubjunctive,
    we, the people, have been scrod.

"Who was in cahoots with
    those recipients of TARP?
Who in his nightmares gets to hear
    this Wall Street widow carp?

"Have Judy Millers infiltrated
    this administration?
Have Wall Street CEOs renewed
    an old affiliation?

"All those mealy-mouths in D.C.
    must be squirming in their britches,
Hoping against hope no one
    who knows who did it snitches.

"But have faith, you Op-Ed readers,
    the amendment changer's goose is cooked.
You know how we eventually
    got Nixon's H&E birds booked.

"Yet if Obama wants the buck to stop
    with him, he'd better hurry
And hire some new exterminators
    to see which rodents scurry."

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Harry Reid's Congress'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'
To 'Withington Verses'