"Whose Republican Agenda?"

(Who's owning up?)

Who gives a damn about the nation's business?
Who cares if we get nothing done?
So what if the country falls to pieces
As long as we're "Republican"
And loyally adhere to
Today's, this week's, this month's,
The current, the non-bipartisan,
Extremist weird agenda
Of any one Republican?

Today we're with the President.
Tomorrow we're against.
Forget about consent
When we're again incensed.

Today we're courting single women.
We have found we need their votes.
No longer will we promote "rape."
Now we'll call it "sow wild oats."

Immigrants who don't speak English?
We've done very well without 'em.
Oops, a slight miscalculation.
What's there not to like about 'em?

Who gives a damn about the nation's business?
Who cares if we get nothing done?
So what if the country falls to pieces
As long as we're "Republican"
And loyally adhere to
Today's, this week's, this month's,
The current, the non-bipartisan,
Extremist weird agenda
Of any one Republican?

Bob Carlson

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     in Rhymed Verse'

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To 'More Mitch McConnell in Rhymed Verse'