Will Grover Leave Afghanistan?
(To help Michele Bachmann cut taxes for the rich?)

Think of the taxes Grover's Bachmann could cut.
Rich folks might possibly begin to like her.
If he told Republicans to stop funding Karzai,
They'd quickly see that Paul Ryan's a piker.

All Grover needs to do is simply remind them
Of the pledges he holds where the dummies agreed
To cut rich peoples taxes so they will donate
And not feel that guilty that poor kids can't read.

Or gamble at one of The Donny's casinos
While sporting a souvenir Osama- Trump tie.
They're on sale at Macy's, if they want a bargain:
About forty bucks? Prob'ly less from a street corner guy.

All it will take is approval from Grover.
As Congressional Puppeteer he holds the strings
Of most of the Karzai loving Republicans
An the lack of bipartisanship his doctrine brings.

So sign the petitions to bring our boys home.
We'll deal with Grover the next time around.
Let Peter King try to bully the bully.
Waterboarding on TV? But what if he's drowned?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Congressional Puppeteer Grover Norquist'
To 'Donald Trump ties made in China '
To 'Donald Trump Silk Ties at Macy's'
To 'The Donny Dope'
To 'Batty Bachmann Verses'
To 'Corruption by Karzai Verses'
To 'Grover's Congressional Nutjob Verses'
To 'The Norquist-Abramoff Circle'
To 'Rep. Peter King: We Should Still Use Waterboarding'
To 'Paul Ryan: That Damn Baby Geek Verses'
