Hey! Listen to the latest news
   about the FDA,
   that crazy, lazy, oops-a-daisy,
   who'd-have-thunk-it, hazy FDA!

To whom it's sweet and charming,
   and not at all alarming
   if OK'd drugs are harming
   folks in our grand old USA.
But listen to their bright idea:
   They're gonna be the overseer
   of a dramatic panacea
   that just might save the day.

They've found a lab in Aberdeen
   that's devised a new vaccine
   they'll help burst upon the scene,
   albeit at a rather hefty price.
What's it do? It saves the bacon
   of politicians who've been fakin'
   by keeping them from ever makin'
   any dumb miscalculation twice.

Furthermore they'll try it on
   those fellas in the Pentagon,
   and our curent Genghis Khan,
   to hopefully prevent another war.
And what's more they'll force those jerks,
   who are getting all the perks
   for misdirecting all those Mercks,
   to make it here, not on some distant shore.

No longer will we need to bitch
   that Bush won't tax the filthy rich,
   or have to listen to that pitch
   to ask if some new poison's right for us.
A Bush vaccine to not again
   ever have to feel the pain
   of voting for our own Hussein?
   That guarantees no Juniors? What a plus!

Bob Carlson

To 'Merck Pays Off For Some'
To 'Policies - Health Care'