A Squand'ring Wastrel
Sung to the Gilbert & Sullivan tune
"A Wand'ring Minstrel"
from "The Mikado"

A squand'ring wastrel I,
A congressman who hatches
Spending bills in batches
And seamy alibis.

My taste for pork is strong.
My needs are ever changing –
Constituents far ranging –
No matter right or wrong,
I always go along,

A squand'ring wastrel I,
A congressman who'll fashion
Ways for Bush's passion
For debt to multiply.

Our need to spend is strong.
Disasters are compounding –
Greedy cronies hounding –
I heed the siren song,
Or I'll be gone ere long.

Music by Arthur Sullivan
Original Lyric by W. S. Gilbert
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'
To 'Co-conspirators - DeLay'