A Tale Of Two Leerixes
Remembering Dr. Seuss's
"The Lorax"
(At the far end of town where the Grickle-grass grows)

It's over, it is. Some even believe
The Leerix might welcome a judges reprieve
From lies that Saddam was wielding the axe,
From doctors preventing more Cheney attacks.

"Lying Leerix With Axe", we read in Op-Ed,
Not at all what most media front pages said.
Those never mentioned its sapling Snap-snippers
Failing to fuel its Enron sponsored chippers.

But when you look around and see seascapes of stumps,
The Leerix excuse is the need for more Trumps,
More Trumpette buildings and oil drilling platforms
Made of wood tough enough to suffer Gulf storms.

Yet sev'ral states over so few citizens knew
Of the risk to their prairies where Granny-grass grew.
Grass which had grown under Tuffenuff trees,
That apparently weren't – they'd been axed at the knees,
So vast stretches of stumps that hadn't bounced back
Were a local eyesore, like a Bush-bombed Iraq.

It was Shrub's EPA that OK'd cut and run,
That would have let Granny-grass bake in the sun,
Left Granny-grass growers down in the dumps
With no Wall-Mars umbrellas to stick on their stumps.

Which, of course, were the answer the world had hoped for,
Wall-Martians against Bush-Exxonian war.
Who would be biggest? Who would make more?
Bushie's polluters or your Wall-Martian store?
Umbrellas, it seemed, were a fine way to start.
Why not take Granny-grass shade needs to heart?

Unfortunately Leerixes oft times work in twos
And out oozed another leaking Leerix-like-news
With excuses supporting the Tuffenuff screw
Up with his super perfluous, "Sun and war's good for you"
For a Leerix who thinks he's a Lorax can't see
The Onceler's the one who saved seed from the tree.

Now a Lieberman Leerix, which this one's known as,
Has that ear-to-ear leer ev'ry known Leerix has –
A leer to be feared like illegal evesdrops
That leaves Leerixes looking like they're licking their chops,
Which in this situation it certainly was,
Greedily relishing whatever it does.

Nothing constructive like a Lorax's warning
About stove top warming with Pyrex from Corning.
Nothing suggesting that Granny-grass grasses
Do nicer world-warming than Exxonian gasses.
No, this Lieberman Leerix had gotten excited
When it witnessed some Granny-grass grasses ignited.

First a whiffily whiff, then a sniffily sniff,
And this Lieberman Leerix was wond'ring what if
It were to announce a Granny-grass epidemic,
Would it benefit from a new Leerix polemic?
Could voters be snookered into thinking it shared
Their concern Exxon wouldn't clean up what it aired?

Would they send it to D.C. to wangle free bridges
And check out the contents of CNN fridges?
Would they ever forget who'd made battery boats,
The kind that can sink, then like Ivory floats?
Or would voters discover it feeds on Iraqs,
And pay homage instead to Seuss's Lorax?

Should a Leerix claim credit with Wall-Martian sellers
For boosting their market for imported umbrellas
While channeling sales from the streets of New York
So it's not tough for tourists to skyscraper gawk?
Such responsibilities! How's a Leerix to know
When its leer should be tentative? Or mainly to crow?

Take Granny-grass Ethanol – Exxon's boss brags, "No way!
Who can be bothered making Granny-grass pay?
Moonshining? Maybe, with corn we could see,
But Granny-grass grown with no Tuffenuff tree?
Not with lobbyists hearing leering Leerixes say
That Leerix in Texas calls Granny-grass hay!

"As the seas rise to greet us, my board says to add
Their thanks for the Leerix's help with Baghdad,
While denying the demise of the Tuffenuff tree,
And that a Wall-Martian is greener than me."

Original Verse by Dr. Seuss
New Verse by Bob Carlson

To 'Dr. Seuss Parodies'
To 'Bushie's Joe Lieberman'
To 'Bushie's Environmental Policy'
To 'Bushie's Greed & Corruption'