A Tush In A Sling
To be sung to the Rodgers & Hammerstein tune
"My Favorite Things"

Eavesdrops on kittens to hear their meowses,
President medals for drowning bow wowses,
Pensions for Brownies and all their offspring –
Probable clues to a tush in a sling.

'Mission Accomplished' is anything but,
Running for office but missing the cut
Till party judges choose a ding-a-ling –
Most likely clues to a tush in a sling.

National Guard to avoid being drafted,
War aftermaths so cleverly crafted,
Cheney obsessed with ordaining him king –
Definite clues to a tush in a sling.

With his gay fights,
With DeLay flings,
With Cheney gone mad,
How delightful to witness his tush in a sling
Though well aware
We've been had.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Miscalculations'
To 'Bushie's Snooping Policy'