The Law According To Ashcroft

Ashcroft says "I am the law!
   So what applies to Him?
We don't like theirs? We make our own!
   We're clever cherubim.

"We're both opposed to torture
   unless Bush feels the need to
In which case he's covered by
   new rules we've both agreed to.

"We've taken showers together.
   We've seen men in the nude.
As Rummy's photos clearly show,
   John Ashcroft is no prude."

Except, these rules don't cover statues
   of whom he's often dreamt,
As Congress will discover as
   they cite him for contempt.

So did Bush give the order,
   or let Ashcroft set the tone,
Permitting Rummy's generals
   to quietly condone
The nakedness, the excess stress,
   the leashes we abhor,
To try to find excuses for
   his "legal" little war?

Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Ashcroft'