An Angry Mrs. Withington Weighs In On Rummy

An angry Mrs. Jeremiah Withington III
E-mails that she is agitated by reports she's heard.
How could the Donny that she knows have bollixed up the war?
He'd seemed like such a harmless lad in nineteen forty-four.
She does, of course, recall he wouldn't bell the fam'ly cat,
Though "Bird Shot" was the one those Audubons were angry at.

Could that have been a foretaste of his attitude towards life?
But who'd take notice if he seemed abusive to his wife?
Yet times have changed a lot and what was hushed up way back then
Can now command the front page of The Times, then CNN.

Had Jeremiah Aloysius witnessed this portrayal,
She's quite convinced that he'd react with more than mere e-mail.
His influence with mucky-mucks was such they'd quickly see
The need to squelch the slander hurting Donny's coterie.
How horrible to live one's life according to the book
And then be tarred and feathered by a Donny donnybrook.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Rummy'
To 'Withington Verses'