An Ultimate Change In Plans
As sung by Bushie with Sophie Tucker to the tune
"There'll Be Some Changes Made"
(For there's a change in the weather, there's a change in the sea.)

Why can't The Change occur whether
   there's a change in DC?
Why exchange brave warriors like
   Cheney and me?

You think Abizaid and Gates
   would give us up
For a Condi Rice Moktada
   al-Sadr pre-nup,
Trying to cure Condi of her
   Virgin Mary thing
By distracting her Moktada
   with a fling?

Waterboarding Cheney
   to see if he's gay
Might appease Iraqis
   and ease our stay,
But why at Abu Ghraib?

Music by W. Benton Overstreet
Original Lyric by Billy Higgins
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Quitting Iraq'
To 'Bushie's Virgins'