Assassination Is Funny
To be sung with Doris Day to the tune
(Imagination is funny. It makes a cloudy day sunny)

Assassination is funny –
Makes Oliver Stone think of money,
And Karl afraid his dumb bunny
Will be getting his due.

Assassination is crazy –
It makes an assassin look lazy
If only one prey's pushing up daisies
Leaving Dick in full view.

Why must a final touch
Become too much,
A moment when
We must deal with an LBJ again?
Oh well –

Assassination is silly –
It keeps you wondering will he
While admitting it's something
You don't dare do?
Or are you still imagining what
If you were to?

Music by Jimmy Van Heusen
Original Lyric by Johnny Burke
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Is Doomed'