To be sung to the tune
"Ain't We Got Fun"

Bayner/Boner? Be a donor.
Vote for us twice!
Boner/Bayner? A no brainer.
Blunt paid the price.
Our win was stunning.
But no wonder we won.
With both of us running
Against only one,
We'll end the furor
So the rich won't bitch
   that the poor aren't poorer.
Tell each moaner/groaner
To wire dough to Bayner/Boner.
We'll get it done!

Two wrong spellings had some yelling
For our arrest.
Sugar coating crooked voting's
What we do best.
With more votes than voters,
Was something amiss?
Despite the odors
From lobbyist bliss,
We'll end the furor
So the rich won't bitch
   that the poor aren't poorer.
Tell each moaner/groaner
To wire dough to Bayner/Boner.
We'll get it done!

Music by Richard Whiting
Original Lyrics by Gus Kahn & Raymond Egan
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'