Belated Complaints From Bushie
Being sung by Bushie to his God to the tune
"You Made Me Love You"
(…I didn't want to do it)

You made me want to,
Although you had to know it,
Wise guys like me could blow it.

You set me up to
Help you and Rummy throw it,
And not let Cheney show it.

You knew if I "won" big time
And took Baghdad,
That in a short time
They'd show me I'd been had.

You knew I'd pray for
An early chance to do it,
To show Pops I could do it.
You knew I'd lose for you,
Just like you, Allah, too, wanted me to.

All that oil you let me try for,
You knew I'd let our blue states
   National Guards die for.
God forbid Allah is you.

Music by James V. Monaco
Original Lyric by Joe McCarthy
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Apostate'
To 'Bushie, Holier Than Thou?'