
With extraordinary blindsight,
   and still convinced he's always right,
   Cheney says that he'd attack again.
It sort of makes one wonder
   what kind of influence he's under.
   Something maybe stronger than Sen-Sen?

Not to feel a slight misgiving?
   Act relieved to still be living?
   That's a nasty heart condition that he's got.
But what medicine's he taking
   that prevents him even faking,
   when most of us would have a second thought?

Doesn't sound as if he's kidding.
   Junior still will do his bidding,
   prob'ly cowed by Cheney's grumpy look,
For four more years of Cheney's game
   that he proclaims will be the same
   as what he's doing now by hook and crook.

Cheney crooked in his feelings?
   Cheney crooked in his dealings
   while he's running Junior's USA?
Crooked while at Halliburton?
   Crooked at his final curtain
   in what he and his puppet dare to say.

Bob Carlson