Boys Crying Wolf

Remember the tale of the boy tending sheep?
No, not that blue one famed for haystack siestas
(Taking physical invent'ry would lull him to sleep),
But the boy that we sheep
   had expected would somehow protect us.

His security setup might have been quite sufficient,
If his forecasting skills weren't so woefully deficient.
Our tails might be better off wagging for Little Bo Peep.

But he feels he must practice to test the reaction
Of those designated to leap into action
In case foreign wolves appear to endanger his sheep.

So he's quick to cry "Wolf", or "Code Orangy-Red",
When his boss says he needs more attention, instead
Of those heretic herders who promise they won't oversleep.

Of course there's the danger his repeated wolf-crying
Will fall on deaf ears with nobody still buying
Their desire to save sheep as well as George Bush and his Veep.

A similar problem seems to stem from the premise
That their wolves are imported and not from West Dennis,
Leaving corporate wolves free to fleece our more gullible sheep.

To 'Scary Movie Reruns'
To 'Scary Movie Reruns II'

Bob Carlson