Bring A Torch Before They Expel Us
To be sung to the carol
"Bring A Torch, Jeanette Isabella"

Bring a torch before they expel us.
Bring a torch and join in the fun.
Bushie is throwing a bash on the Tigris
With pants on fire and impeachement nearing.
Ah, hah! Nasty bitch of a mother,
Ah, hah! Idiot of a child.

Chastened? No! There's lots more to pillage.
Hasten now to see if Iraq's
Oil can be siphoned to Cheney's coffers,
To see if the Kurds will forgive Bushie's pop.
Oh, no! Nasty bitch is his mother,
Oh, no! Idiot is her child.

Still out of touch, his rating's aren't stellar.
Even his Grinch has little to say.
Both are in favor of incineration,
Like the nation they claimed they would save.
Blame that nasty bitch of a mother,
Blame that idiot who's still a child.

Music & Original Lyric - Traditional
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Quitting Iraq'
To 'Bushie's Christmas Carols'