So D.A. Brooks gets exercised
   whenever Kerry's criticized
   the war that's one of Bush's biggest botches.
Bush Junior kills 10K Iraqis –
   to Brooks he's doing fine, by cracky,
   to rev Dick Cheney's war up sev'ral notches.

That Junior's killed more of his own
   than Osama sure has shown
   that Brooks is pulling for a Junior Leaguer,
Who shouldn't be left in command;
   he and his team don't understand
   most strikeouts happen when you're overeager;

And when the coaches they've assigned
   appear to pay no never mind
   to what they need to know to win the game.
Four more years of constant losing?
   Whose liver can stand that much boozing?
   Of Brooks defending Bush's Hall of Shame?

Bob Carlson

* A New York Times Token Bush Apologist