Jeb Bush is a genius, just like his brother –
   When Gonzales OK'd flagellation,
Using toll-free long distance, they persuaded each other
   of its merits vs. decapitation.

So George passed the word to that neocon nerd
   that Rummy has working for him,
That the new party line says flag waving is fine
   while letting them tear limb from limb.

Though he had been clued, Jeb, too, misconstrued
   what was meant by the word flagellation,
Which, like it or not, mistakenly got
   mixed up in the Bushie translation.

Still under duress from their botched ballot mess,
   Jeb's officials were led to assume
The flags Florida flies must be a mandated size
   in each left-behind kiddy's classroom.

But right-behind kiddies it seems
   weren't exempt from his flag waving schemes
And got one to take home along with a poem
   extolling both Bushie regimes.

Bob Carlson