Bush's Goal
Sung to the Harold Arlen tune
"It's Only A Paper Moon"

Hey, it's only a trial balloon
To see if Cheney's still conning me.
Who'll be the duckling and who the swan
When the voters shout, "Not thee!"

What's another Dick Cheney lie
With no basis in reality?
As Halliburton's Genghis Khan
He'll retire scot-free.

Without your vote
This may well be all he wrote –
A sinking boat
With our balance of trade
Another Cheney charade.

It's a born-again baby world:
No evolution or fam'ly tree,
Depending on Kim to let loose his bombs
And rapture them and me.

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Social Security'