Bush's Tortured Logic
Sung to the Richard Rodgers tune
"Happy Talk"

Keep talkin' double-talk.
Talk about things they'd like from you.
They gotta have a dream;
If they don't have their dream,
How they gonna dream that's what you'll do?

Talk about the war,
All because of you,
Needin' secrets someone's gotta tell.
Torture is that thing
That you never do,
That you need permission for as well.

Keep talkin' double-talk.
Talk about things they'd like from you.
They gotta have a dream;
If they don't have their dream,
How they gonna dream that's what you'll do?

Talk about what they
Now expect of you,
That you have no plans to ever do.
Torture they can't see?
What must be will be?
Who you'll need to make a detainee?

Keep talkin' double-talk.
Talk about things they'd like from you.
They gotta have a dream;
If they don't have their dream,
How they gonna dream what won't come true?

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Oscar Hammerstein II
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush, The Prevaricator'
To 'Policies - Torture'