Bush's War On Terror Becomes
His Struggle Against Extremists

Sung to the tune
"I'll String Along With You"

Can't win the war on terror,
So tell you what we'll do,
We'll call our war a struggle against
Extremists just like you.

If you don't feel the same way
That our extremists do,
Our losing war on terror becomes
A struggle till you do.

For ev'ry bad extreme that you have,
Why, we've got three or four.
And just like you we won't rest
Till you agree to like ours more.

For we don't mind extremists,
Who feel the way we do.
But until you change your extremes,
We'll be struggling with you.

Music by Al Dubin
Original Lyric by Harry Warren
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Terrorists'