Call Me Irresponsible
(Sung to the tune "Call Me Irresponsible")

Call me irresponsible.
Call me way too pliable.
And add in hoodwinkable, too.
Why'd I buy your alibis?
Did you by chance realize
   that I'd hope a few'd be true?

Call you uncontrollable.
Call me unconsolable.
Call them whatever suits you,
Justifying even trying
   those incredibly stupid things you do.

For four years my resolution
Has been to show you evolution
Is the way it's been and still will be.
Now, despite the lies you've told
That have put folks' dreams on hold,
Evolution without you'll be fine with me.

Call me the unthinkable.
Tell why I'm unspeakable.
Toss in uncellphonable, too,
Knowing the new smoke screens
   I've seen through.
Just leave out amenable
   to anything to do with you.

Music by Jimmy Van Heusen
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Adversaries'