Chemical Plant Insecurity *
Sung to the Irving Berlin tune
"Oh, How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning"

Oh, how they're anxious to pocket their profits.
Who cares if thousands could end up dead?
Their bottom line could be hurt
By the cost of a red alert.
Ante up,
Or be blown up?
Which will foul up their bonus?

That's why they're lobbying Bush and the Congress
With payoffs so large they could end up in the red.

But the cruelest blow of all
Is when golden parachutes fall
As they find out they must reimburse the dead.

* The New York Times - 7/8/05
"Protections for the United States…"

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Greed'
To 'Policies - Security'
To 'Terrorists'