Who is in the worst condition?
Cheney or his drugged physician?
News releases typically
   have seemed obtuse and fudgy.
We know he's under reconstruction,
Most likely not with liposuction.
He still appears to most of us
   to be a trifle pudgy.

But recently he's been instructed,
While he's being reconstructed,
To stay at least a minimum
   of ten feet underground.
Sight unseen he plays the mole
In a Saddam spider hole,
So he's not short-circuited
   by airwaves that abound.

Electrostatic energy
Does not provide the synergy
His reconstructed Halliburton
   apparatus needs
So if those terrorists use sonar
Chances are his fragile bones are
Destined to be fertilizer
   for invasive and deep-rooted weeds.

Bob Carlson