Clawless & Clueless
Being sung by Bushie to the 1939 hit tune
(Careless, now that you've got me loving you)

Clawless, now they're no longer shock and awed.
Clawless, now Rummy's made sure we're de-clawed.
God got us in this but warned, "if you're smart,
Don't count on Rummy, or Cheney's heart."

Clawless, needing the claws that Rummy spurned.
Clawless, without more draft cards being burned.
As your role models how can it be
That Cheney's as clawless as me?

Clueless, about where we are leading you
Clueless, we've no idea what to do.
God said, "Go get 'em, be careful, be smart.
Beware of Rummy and Cheney's heart."

Clueless, why must Jim Baker's report be spurned?
Clueless, what's with the medal Franks thinks he earned?
Are you as clueless as I seem to be?
Mouhammed al Clueless, that's me.

Music & Original Lyric by Lew Quadling,
Eddy Howard & Dick Jurgens
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Loser'