I'm a speak-no-evil, hear-no-evil,
   see-no-evil guy.
That's because no one I know
   is eviler than I.
I'm evil in the things I promise
   that I never do;
Evil in that what I do
   is good for me but not for you.

Campaigning in 2000,
   I did indeed declare:
"Prosperity will mean little
   if we leave … polluted air."

But my Clear Skies initiative
   says coal plants that upgrade
Can still pollute at their old rate;
   new standards aren't inveighed.
My Clear Skies do not affect
   your CO2 emissions.
Need to emit nitrous oxide?
   You have my permission.

More SO2? That too's OK.
   So's more mercury.
Emit whatever else you want.
   This party is on me.
Just don't expect to live as long.
   Why worry 'bout your health?
Be thankful you've contributed
   to my supporters' wealth.

Bob Carlson