Condi Resists Change
As sung by Condi to the tune
"I May Be Wrong (But I Think You're Wonderful)"
(…I may be worng, but I think you're swell)

Don't say I'm wrong for
George thinks I'm wonderful.
Why bring up 'wrong' when
We prefer 'swell'.

I seldom smile for
One smirk is marvelous,
But Karl says two smirks are
Harder to sell.

All our mistakes have been Rummy's.
None of the lies have been mine.
I tell true stories to dummies,
Like Woodward without his Bernstein.

Now Mister High Noon
Implies 'deplorable'.
George likes 'adorable'.
Why change his tune?

Music by Henry Sullivan
Original Lyric by Harry Ruskin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Condi'