Congress Divvies It Up
Apologies to the Cole Porter tune
"Down In The Depths (On The Ninetieth Floor)"

Our divvying it up is the key
To Homeland Security.
States like Wyoming
With buffalos roaming
Are at much greater risk as we see it.

They've zillions of buffalos milling around,
A few lonesome bobcats who are trying to roar,
But the threat of Al Qaeda exists all year 'round
So we'll allocate this dangerous state
At least twenty million or more.

If you're looking to safeguard your mother,
Or even your sister or brother,
Move them into New York
Where there's less need for pork
Because of less risk as we see it.

In Manhattan where business is brisk,
We foresee such a minimal risk
From the threat of Al Qaeda to The New York Times
We will allocate only a few nickels and dimes
Till they lose sev'ral million or more,
And The Times shows more esprit de corps.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'