Congress Ruminates
Sung to the Cole Porter tune
"At Long Last Love"

Did we find weapons or was it a crock?
Are we a Congress or something ad hoc?
Is a beanstalk or only a bean,
Something we bought
Sight unseen?

Is it peculiar how we operate?
No filibuster, we thought we'd do great.
But now that we aren't, they're making a fuss,
Laying the blame on ignorant us.

We saw a chance for Congressional graft,
But never dreamed that we'd need a draft.
We tooted our horns for a voter hornswoggle,
But is it a boon or another boondoggle?

Where are the profits we thought we'd bought,
The Iraqi oil Cheney's employer got?
Could we have stopped Bush from coming to naught?
Probably not till Karl Rove was caught.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'
To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'