Creep For Creep *
To be sung with Fred Astaire to the Irving Berlin tune
"Cheek to Cheek"
(Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak)

Heaven? Can't be heaven
When they change the rules so we can't make a peep,
And the one who cuts us off is Bush's veep,
So they'll be successful voting creep for creep.

DeLay! Frist and Delay!
Don't they know that what they sow they soon will reap –
That the price that they are paying's way to steep
To be sure they win when voting creep for creep.

I can't wait to see who's missing
When they try to count their sheep
And they find haven't half as much as they need to make us weep.

But to witness Tom's conviction
For trav'ling on the cheap,
Wouldn't thrill me half as much as to see him put to sleep.

Prance with me
As soon as Tom gets his due,
And in two thousand eight
When Frist and his crew

Leave for heaven,
And the happiness the rest of us will keep,
With constituents demanding a clean sweep
Of those they fear were voting creep for creep.

* The Washington Post - 4/15/05
"Frist May Go Nuclear"
* The New York Times - 4/16/05
"Bill Frist's Religious War"
* The New York Times - 4/17/05
Frank Rich - "Get Tom DeLay to the Church on Time"

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirator - DeLay'
To 'Co-conspirator - Frist'
To 'Policies - Courts'