DeLay, Mahony & Bushie
To be sung with Joni James to the tune
"Have You Heard"
(…who's kissing him now?)

Have you heard that breaking the law
Has nothing to do
With who told you to
Or your opinion of you?

Have you seen a modern hoosegow?
They're not quite the same.
They won't need your name
If they think you're to blame.

Cardinal or crooked politician?
It's your show.
Eighteen to life with a common-law wife?
Let us know.

Have you heard we're waiting to hear
Your testimony
On a tapped telephoney,
Have you heard?

Music & Original Lyrics
by Lew Douglas, Frank Lavere & Roy Rodde
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Holier than You'
To 'Bushie's Immigration Policy'