Think about the desperation
   when another generation
   of conservative elite's no longer the elite –
When the deficits they're making
   with the tax cuts that they're taking
   all come back to haunt them toute de suite –

When those who're then less fortunate
   begin to ask who was that nut
   who thought his cuts could be perpetuated –
When that poor crew tends to include
   the second generation brood
   of those whose candidate miscalculated –

Who thought cuts could go on and on
   as he and Cheney preyed upon
   the poor to make the rich a whole lot richer,
While claiming those who don't agree
   should all receive the third degree,
   denying folks the right to be a bitcher.

Bitching is an institution
   permitted by the constitution
   unless you're working for the CIA,
Where Director Porter Goss
   hates bad thoughts about his boss;
   so only say what he wants you to say!

But it's OK if Junior axes
   all but future baby taxes
   encouraging the deficit to grow.
Today's conservative elite
   finds Junior's tax cuts so upbeat –
   but how much will their children's children owe?

Bob Carlson

To 'Poor Bush'