(Sung to the tune "My Baby Just Cares for Me")

Dick Cheney dares not disclose
Those things that most think he knows –
Who he let set policy.
So Cheney needs all those hiding places
Just to stall those paper chases.

Friends say he has lost his tongue.
But that smells like Rove cow dung.
Cheney's lost his memory.
But Cheney don't mind how he shows it.
A mind that's gone could get off scot-free.

Dick Cheney will not be bored.
He will soon be headed toward
A way to restore his memory –
Devised by Ashcroft,
Supervised by Ashcroft,
Implemented by Cheney in '03.

Again he will lose his cool,
And he had been so old school,
Though unskilled at repartee.
Dick Cheney will soon be
   yelling and telling all,
As he gets the internee third-degree.

Music by Walter Donaldson
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson