Don't Criticize Me
Sung to the tune
"Don't Worry 'Bout Me"

Don't criticize me,
Don't say I'm wrong.
Regrets about me won't help you at all.

You claim that my little show is failing and so
   my war should end.
You wish I'd go 'way the moment you say
   you're sick of pretend.

"Take care of yourself",
Has been my rule –
"Pay as little in tax for me and my friends" –
Why be a fool?

Voters, like those who cling to ev'ry mood swing
   of a sicky VP,
Deserve what they get –
Dick Cheney and me.

Music by Rube Bloom
Original Lyric by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - The Autocrat'