Falluja's Junior's Stalingrad –
Falluja's Halliburton's dream –
Falluja's Junior's silly putty –
Falluja's Cheney's Crispy Crème –

Junior broke it; now he owns it:
One enormous pile of rubble.
Bombed their homes and voting places –
Bought himself a pile of trouble.

Rubble, on the other hand, is
Right up Halliburton's alley.
Bomb and build's been Cheney's mantra;
Guarantees his stock will rally.

Junior's squeezed Falluja's rebels –
Silly putty in his hands?
Puts Ashcroft in charge of cloning
Lots more virgins than they'd planned.

Cheney diets on insurgents,
Deadlier than alcohol –
Crispy Cremes for lunch and dinner
Build up his cholesterol.

Falluja's Junior's Stalingrad –
Falluja's Halliburton's dream –
Falluja's Junior's silly putty –
Falluja's Cheney's Crispy Crème –

Bob Carlson

To 'Bulletproof'