Flushing *

Which Bush Crusader in the name of religion
   threw the Koran in the john?
Who authorized it? Who'll be the stool pigeon
   and point to who said, "Bring 'em on"?

Who can he blame when the world knows he's guilty
   of claiming he speaks for his god –
That his is the only one not an imposter,
   imposters he'll soon have outlawed.

His Crusaders continue to deny allegations
   about what's considered a crime,
But had it been a Bible, Rummy would be held liable
   and about to do serious time.

* The Washington Post - 5/14/05
"Inquiry by U.S. Reveals 5 Cases
Of Koran Dumping"
* The Washington Post - 5/27/05
"Pentagon Confirms Koran Incidents"

Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Holier Than Thou'
To 'Policies - Religious Crusades'
To 'Policies - Torture'