For Congress The Pork Is On The Town
Sung to the tune
"Lulu's Back In Town"

Gotta keep constituents impressed.
Gotta spend tax dollars like a man obsessed.
Gotta let 'em know I passed my ink blot test.
Red ink's on the town.

Gotta work to squander what they say's my share.
Gotta make 'em think we got dough to spare.
Gotta build a bridge that goes no where.
Pork is on the town.

Tell the Evening Gazette
Forget the national debt.
This year it's no sweat.
After that who'll be around?

Gotta slow my e-mail to a crawl.
'This is spam' will stop any irate call,
While golfing with DeLay on the Costa del Sol.
Pork is on the town.

Music by Harry Warren
Original Lyric by Al Dubin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Congress'