Friendly Skies
Being sung by Bushie to the Duke Ellington tune
"I'm Beginning To See The Light"
(I never cared much for moonlit skies.)

I've always been big on alibis,
Missed perceptions and bald-faced lies,
But now that the British have secured our skies
I am grinning with all my might.

I love the reimbursement of Big Oil dough
After each anticipated Gulf Shore blow.
Though Chertoff will be unprepared and not in the know,
I'll be grinning with all my might.

Chertoff's gamble that his arks
Can be auctioned as to where each parks
With naming rights for sale as each embarks
Has got to be the cat's meow.

Democrats who fly with cans of turpentine
Stand accused of helping to fuel Palestine.
Don't you feel secure with Cheney's morning line
That I'm grinning with all my might?

Music by Duke Ellington
Original Lyric by Don George
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Domestic Disasters'
To 'Bushie's Terrorists'