Frist Fudging *

Frist charged a fee in Tennessee
   for passing out prescriptions.
Tales abound, but some have found
   a few did cause conniptions.
With pay so poor his paramour
   kept insisting, "Honey,
Politicians, not clinicians,
   make a lot more money –

"Take lots more trips, get more hot tips –
   the chance for graft is endless.
Those house call routes? Malpractice suits?
   We'll end up broke and friendless."
When Doctor Frist perceived the gist
   of what his love was saying
He realized, if compromised,
   he could be Tom DeLaying.

To play that role, he'd sell his soul,
   declare religious war
And integrate both Church and State;
   but would a Church go for
His kind of fudging to change judging
   and make the world kowtow
To what a few thought was their due?
   It would? Well, Holy Cow!

* The New York times - 4/16/05
"Bill Frist's Religious War"

Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Frist'
To 'Bushie's Courts'