To be sung with Elvis to the tune
"Don't Be Cruel"
(You know I can be found sitting all alone.)

Although The Court has found
Against George Bush's throne,
Few who have been around
Think any plan's his own,
So what ghoul
Helped Bush think of cruel?

With torture not allowed
It had to be redefined
So Bush could mouth outloud
That he hopes this court won't mind
That some ghoul
Helped him dream up cruel.

However now that love
Bush never grows tired of
Needs a rule
That will OK cruel.

Watch Congress and Bill Hanes
Start taking greater pains
So when push comes to shove
Bushie need not get rid of
Hanes's rule
That will OK cruel,

For, with torture their first love,
Disguised as cruel it won't be unheard of,
As their ghoul
Revels in his rule.

Music & Original Lyric by Ottis Blackwell & Elvis Presley
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Tortures'