Guilty As Hell *
Sung to the tune "Guilty"

Yes, it's a sin,
Yes, it's a crime,
Failing to do what you knew
Would make the world find you guilty
Because of what you didn't do.

We have been wrong
In letting you
Continue to lie like you do,
Claiming you've never been guilty,
Guilty for what we've been through.

What can we do,
What can we say,
Now they've blown London apart?
Who'll take the blame?
Who'll walk away
Claiming that they're losing heart?

It has been years,
You've known our fears,
Still you have not done your part.
George Walker Bush, you are guilty,
Guilty till death do us part!

* The New York Times - 7/8/05
"Subway and Bomb Blasts in London…"

Music by Harry Akst & Richard A. Whiting
Original Lyric by Gus Kahn
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Prevaricator'
To 'Policies - Security'
To 'Terrorists'