Hacks And Cronies
Sung to the Rodgers & Hart tune

He gave us Brownie,
The "let-'em-drown",
Ex-FEMA chief,
The cause of much Katrina
Relief grief.

And then a crony,
Another phony –
Julie Myers,
The niece of "ready-aim-quagmires",
General Richard Myers.
She aspires

To enforce Customs' bust 'em laws
And all because
She married Chertoff's chief of staff.
You laugh?

The government is a wondrous toy
Just made for a good ole boy,
Or niece, to screw up
As Bush's pride and joy.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Lorenz Hart
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - The Dummy'