Vote for Bush. Help pack The Court;
   he needs his kind of judges.
No "activists" for him, you know;
   just anyone who nudges
Our country farther to the right:
   Aurevoir, Roe vs. Wade;
Goodby to what was our secular state;
   Hello, to more sectarian aid.

Vote for Bush and get Scalia:
   cloned three times – Mama mia!
We'll have Scalia diarrhea;
   another brilliant Bush idea…

Vote for Bush and get more Clarence:
   Miranda warnings make no sense?
Affirmative action – Not worth two cents?
   Homosexuals – Malcontents?

Vote for Bush and he'll appoint
   extreme right-wingers bearing grudges;
Activists for his agenda –
   Vote for Bush? Here come da judges!

Bob Carlson

To 'Vote For Bush – I'