How Great Bush Is
To be sung to the hymn
"How Great Thou Art"

How great Bush is?
Most think not very.
New Orleans drowned
While Bush made merry.

How great Bush is to not have knuckled under,
Consid'ring all the goofs he has made.
A constant farce with Cheney's loot and plunder
For friends he thought in need of Fed'ral aid.

Again our goal
Each time Bush falls apart
Is to recognize
How great We art.

Will soldiers think that Lord Bushie, unsparing,
Sent them to die so Cheney can cash in?
Will they be cross or profess to not caring
They've bled and died for Halliburtin?

Again our goal
Each time Bush falls apart
Is to recognize
How great We art.

Will Bushie's chums bemoan his abdication
And each go home with a state of the art
"Heck-Of-A-Job" Lord Bushie citation,
But enough stashed away for a brand new start?

Again our goal
Each time Bush falls apart
Is to recognize
How great We art.

Music & Original Lyrics by Stuart K. Hine
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie Carols & Hymns'
To 'Bushie Bushwhacking'