How Many Rights?
(Sung to the Harold Arlen tune "It's Only A Paper Moon")

It was only an expansion team
Playing out a Halliburton dream,
But they went and used old Rummy's scheme –
How many rights to make a wrong?

It was only a neocon throng
Predicting flowers, women, wine and song –
Who instigated and who went along?
Too many rights can make a wrong.

Without their shove
Would anyone be kicking tush?
Without their shove
Would there be a big push for getting rid of Bush?

If only Rummy had employed more clout –
If Bremer hadn't ruled their army out –
If they'd had a clue what they're about –
Too many rights sure got it wrong.

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Miscalculations'